I'm Joining Hashnode!

I'm Joining Hashnode!

‘sup Hashnoders!

Some of you might have seen me commenting something on Hashnode, but be 100% sure that you’ll see even more of me.

Three years ago, I went all-in into Digital Marketing, specifically Social Media Marketing, and I had an amazing opportunity to work for global marketing agencies, consulting small and local businesses and using my free time to help people be better marketers by writing my own blogs, strategies, and activities which they can implement instantly.

How did I get here?

During my university life, I was part of a student organization called AIESEC – the world’s largest youth-run organization that strives to achieve peace and fulfillment of humankind potential by providing leadership experiences through cross-cultural exchanges and global internship opportunities. Throughout my three-year experience within the organization, I managed to shape myself and together, with my executive team, we managed to help young people become better versions of themselves through various projects that made Kragujevac a better place to live.

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Being passionate about technology, marketing, startups, entrepreneurship and contributing to communities, I joined a local coworking space with a mission to position it as a place-to-be for every young person in Kragujevac who wants to start their career as a developer, digital marketer or to become an entrepreneur. In 1 year, we managed to have over 700 event attendees, partnered up with multiple organizations and held top-notch events for programmers, marketers and future entrepreneurs with outstanding people from all over the world.


Why Hashnode?

I think this picture will summarize it.


Every day, we’re facing problems, difficulties, bugs, errors, and failures. We wanted to show everyone that barriers are non-existent (even though our countries bash daily because of history).

Being passionate about helping others, building a community both locally and globally, helping people become better in their personal and professional life is what I value the most, which is also Hashnode’s mission and I strongly believe that presenting the values that we stand for will bring us to the next level, as this picture did: We went viral!

What will I do?


In short, I’ll help you get more friends, bring more developers to Hashnode by creating meaningful, interactive, astonishing and SUPER-FUN content on Social Media.

Looking forward to meeting everyone here!

P.S. Better follow us on social media! I’m 👀 you!

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